Hur solenergi fungerar

We took solar energy from desktop to laptop, from rooftops to backpacks. Power your phone, headlamp, camera or anything else using solar energy. Open a solar panel, plug in a phone, and it starts charging.
1. SOLAR CELL ENERGY – Nuclear power fusion at the sun’s core creates energy and is released in the form of light. The sun’s light takes an 8½ minute journey to Earth – even though we are 148 million km apart.
2. THE ELECTRONIC PLAYGROUND – Solar collectors contain two layers of carefully cultivated silicon wafers with a uniform path in between. The electrons in the negatively charged top layer jump to the positively charged bottom; all they need is a little push in the right direction.
3. SUN MUSHROOMS – Visible and invisible light from the sun hits electrons like a ball, giving them the push they need to break loose against the bottom layer, creating current as they move.
4. The electron flow – Roads are created in solar panels to use moving electrons, which act as a water slide and force energy where you want it.
5. Connect – an open solar panel generates quite a bit of energy; the most important thing is to utilize this energy and use it properly. A battery placed in the middle of the electron water slide makes it possible to collect and store energy. “Which charges the battery”