Goal Zero Yeti 1500X + Yeti tank and link

799.99 999.99

Yeti 1500X

Vores bedst sælgende store power station kommer nu med endnu mere strøm og en større inverter, så du kan tackle ethvert projekt, indendørs eller udendørs. Den nye 2000W AC inverter giver dig mulighed for at køre alt, hvad du kan fra en stikkontakt. Strømforsyne off-grid events, arbejdssteder, studier, base camps, vigtige kredsløb i dit hjem og meget mere.

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Yeti Link Expansion Module (V3)

Forøg din energilagringskapacitet i hjemmet med Yeti Link Expansion Module og Yeti Tank Expansion Battery (sælges separat). Med Yeti Link kan du tilslutte Yeti Tank blysyrebatterier til din Yeti X eller Yeti Lithium Power Station for at øge din lagringskapacitet med intervaller på 1,2 kWh. Yeti Link leveres med sin egen 120 W-strømforsyning til opladning fra væggen.
Note om brug: Yeti Link Expansion Module og Yeti Lithium MPPT Solar Charging Optimization Module bruger den samme udvidelsesplads, og derfor kan de ikke bruges på samme tid.

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Yeti Expansion Tank (V3)

Forøg energilagringskapaciteten i dit hjem med Yeti Tank Expansion Battery og Yeti Link Expansion Module (sælges separat). Hvert Yeti Tank blysyrebatteri tilføjer 1,2 kWh energilagring til dit system. Yeti Tank forbindes til en Yeti X eller Yeti Lithium Power Station ved hjælp af Yeti Link Expansion Module.

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Yeti link


  • Et alsidigt energilagringssystem, der kan tilpasses, og som bakker op om fire vigtige kredsløb i dit hjem og skaleres til at opfylde dine specifikke strømbehov.
  • Vores brancheførende batterikædeteknologi giver dig mulighed for at forbinde omkostningseffektive blysyrebatterier til vores Yeti X- og Yeti Lithium-kraftstationer af høj kvalitet, så du nemt kan skalere din energilagringskapacitet.
  • Integrate directly with your home’s circuits for a more seamless backup power experience using the Yeti Home Integration Kit. Strøm til alt fra lys i rum med stort forbrug og køleskabe til medicinsk udstyr, internetmodemer og meget mere.

YETI 1500X

Farvel gasgenerator. Hej Yeti X.
With a lithium-ion battery, the Goal Zero Yeti X provides safe, clean, portable power for camping, off-grid events, workshops, and more.

Take Your Outlet Anywhere
With the powerful 2000W AC inverter (3500W peak power), you can confidently use power-hungry devices. Our new industry-leading inverter can handle fluctuations from power tools, medical devices, and household appliances, including full-size refrigerators.

Alsidige portmuligheder
Enjoy the flexibility of a wide range of devices with seven additional port options, including fast-charging 60W USB-C power delivery, multiple USB-A ports, regulated 12V, and two 230V AC ports.

Experience Power
Charge the Yeti 1500X off-grid with our portable solar panels or via an outlet when you’re at home. The integrated MPPT charge controller ensures you generate the most efficient charge with solar panels.

Magt i din håndflade
Monitor, control, and optimize your power usage from anywhere with the Yeti App 3.0. Features include remote input/output control, real-time power consumption notifications, and charging profiles that optimize battery life.

Yeti Tank
Increase energy storage capacity with the Yeti Tank expansion battery and Yeti Link expansion module. Each Yeti Tank adds 1.2 kWh of energy storage to your setup. The Yeti Tank can be connected to a Yeti X or Yeti Lithium Power Station using the Yeti Link expansion module.

AC Wall Charger:
120W: 14 hours
230W: 7 hours
600W: 3 hours

50W (Boulder/Nomad 50): 36-72 hours
100W (Boulder/Nomad 100 (BC)): 18-36 hours
200W (Boulder (BC)): 9-18 hours
400W (Boulder 200 X 2): 4-8 hours
600W (Boulder 200 X 3): 3-6 hours

Smartphone (12 Wh): 127x
Tablet (30 Wh): 51x
Laptop (50 Wh): 31x
POV camera (5 Wh): 303x
DSLR camera (18 Wh): 84x
Headlamp (5 Wh): 303x

Light-a-Life 350 (4.5 Wh): 337 hours
Incandescent bulb (11 Wh): 138 hours
CPAP (65 Wh): 24 hours
TV (42″ LED) (100 Wh): 15 hours
Pellet grill (60 Wh): 26 hours
Microwave (1000 Wh): 2 hours
Portable fridge (25 Wh): 61 hours
Mini fridge (35 Wh): 44 hours
Full-size fridge (55 Wh): 28 hours
Circular saw (13 Amp) (1500 Wh): 1 hour

USB-A-port (udgang): 5V, op til 2,4A (maks. 12W), reguleret
USB-C-port (udgang): 5 - 12 V, op til 3,0 A (maks. 18 W), reguleret
USB-C PD port (input/output): 5 – 20V, up to 3.0A (60W max), regulated
6 mm port (udgang, 6 mm): 12V, op til 10A (120W max), reguleret
12V bilport (udgang): 12 V, op til 13 A (maks. 160 W), reguleret
12V High Power port (output): 12V, up to 30A (360W max), regulated (front/under cover)
230V AC inverter: 230V AC 50Hz, 8.5A (2000W, 3500W peak) (output, pure sine wave)
Charging port (input, 8mm): 14-50V, up to 10A (150W max) (front/under cover)
Høj effekt opladningsport (input): 14-50V, op til 50A (maks. 600W)

Expansion module port: Covered port under the cover. For use only with Goal Zero expansion modules.

Cellekemi: Li-ion NMC
Capacity: 1516Wh (10.8V, 140.4Ah)
Equivalent capacity per cell: 421Ah @ 3.6V
Lithium content: 126 g
Cycle life: 500 cycles to 80% capacity (Discharge rate: 1C, Full charge/discharge, Temp: 25°C)
Maintenance: Keep plugged in, or charge every 3-6 months
Styringssystem: MPPT-laderegulator

Switchable: No
Simultaneous charging and discharging: Yes
Weight: 20.7 kg
Dimensions: 15.25 x 10.23 x 10.37 inches (38.74 x 25.98 x 34.54 cm)
Operating temperature: 32-104°F (0-40°C)
Garanti: 24 måneder

  • Yeti 1500X bærbar kraftstation
  • 120W strømforsyning (AC-vægoplader)
  • Yeti Tank
  • Yeti Link-udvidelsesmodul
  • 120W strømforsyning
  • Link-lås
  • EC8 lige stik
  • EC8 90°-stik


CHARGING Smartphone (12 Wh): 127x
Tablet (30 Wh): 51x
Laptop (50 Wh): 31x
POV camera (5 Wh): 303x
DSLR camera (18 Wh): 84x
Headlamp (5 Wh): 303x

Light-a-Life 350 (4.5 Wh): 337 hours
Incandescent bulb (11 Wh): 138 hours
CPAP (65 Wh): 24 hours
TV (42″ LED) (100 Wh): 15 hours
Pellet grill (60 Wh): 26 hours
Microwave (1000 Wh): 2 hours
Portable fridge (25 Wh): 61 hours
Mini fridge (35 Wh): 44 hours
Full-size fridge (55 Wh): 28 hours
Circular saw (13 Amp) (1500 Wh): 1 hour



Charge using the sun by connecting a compatible solar panel. Charging times depend on the size of the solar panel.

Plug it into the outlet. Fully charged in 14 hours using the included 120W AC Wall Charger.

The Goal Zero Yeti 1500X can be charged by plugging it into your 12V outlet using the Goal Zero Yeti Lithium 12V Car Charging Cable (not included).

BEMÆRK: Do not attempt to charge your Yeti Lithium via a 12V source with a standard charging cable. This may cause damage to the device.

